Marine Fishes of The Persian Gulf

Marine Fishes of The Persian Gulf

Marine Fishes of The Persian Gulf

From 1993 to 2023, fishing in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman has been developing in the sea waters of the south of the country.

The fishing trend of different aquatic species in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman was analyzed since 2013, and the potential of catching various aquatic species in the sea waters of southern Iran has been predicted.

The analysis of the fishing trend of different species in the sea waters of the south of the country since 2013 showed that although the amount of fishing of different species according to their economic value shows a decreasing or increasing trend according to the respective species, but the average total catch, the trend It shows relatively stable and constant.

This company is ready to cooperate with those interested in preparing sea fish from the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in frozen and fresh form.

These fish have enough iodine that helps the body grow and prevents diseases such as goiter. South sea fish contain large amounts of iron, which improves hematopoiesis and increases the body's immune system. Consuming these fish provides the body's natural need for iron.


Get to know the fish of the Persian Gulf:
Scomberomorus commerson

Nemipterus japonicas

Acanthopagrus latus


lethrinus miniatus

otolithes ruber

thunnus albacores

Ctenolucius hujeta

Acanthopagrus  latus

Parastromateus niger

sparus spinifer

Sparidentex hasta


Lutjanus johnii

Caranx hippos

trichiurus lepturus

Congresox talabonoides

Scomberomorus guttatus

Saurida tumbil

Pomadasys Kaakan

Solea solea

Rachycentron canadum

Lateolabrax Japonicus

Scomberoides commersonnianus