Salmon Trout Caviar

Salmon Trout Caviar

Salmon Trout Caviar

Red caviar is a caviar made from the roe of salmonid fishes (various species of salmon and trout), which has intense reddish hue. It is distinct from black caviar, which is made from the roe of sturgeon. Red caviar is part of Russian and Japanese cuisine. In Japan, salmon caviar is known as ikura which derives from Russian word икра (ikra) which means caviar or fish roe in general.

The properties of trout salmon caviar

Salmon fillets are high in cholesterol and can be high in sodium, but they are also a source of healthy fat. One press of fish caviar contains 439 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 608 mg of DHA (a type of fatty acid).

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats and must be in your diet because the body cannot produce them. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish caviar reduce blood clotting and inflammation in the body and it helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Iran has very high capacities in the production of salmon trout caviar, and it is noteworthy that this product can be supplied and exported by this company in unprocessed and processed form.